حل المسائل شیمی عمومی سیلبربرگ | زبان اصلی
- عنوان کتاب به فارسی: حل المسائل شیمی عمومی سیلبربرگ
- عنوان کتاب به انگلیسی: Principles of General Chemistry
- نویسندگان: Martin Silberberg
- زبان: انگلیسی
- تعدا فصل ها: ۲۳
- تعداد صفحات: ۳۴۹
» فهرست مطالب:
- Keys to the Study of Chemistry
- The Components of Matter
- Stoichiometry of Formulas and Equations
- The Major Classes of Chemical Reactions Gases and the Kinetic-Molecular Theory
- Thermochemistry: Energy Flow and Chemical Change
- Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure
- Electron Configuration and Chemical Periodicity
- Models of Chemical Bonding
- The Shapes of Molecules
- Theories of Covalent Bonding
- Intermolecular Forces: Liquids, Solids, and Phase Changes
- The Properties of Solutions
- Organic Compounds and the Atomic Properties of Carbon
- Periodic Patterns in the Main-Group Elements: Bonding, Structure, and Reactivity
- Kinetics: Rates and Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions
- Equilibrium: The Extent of Chemical Reactions
- Acid-Base Equilibria
- Ionic Equilibria in Aqueous Systems
- Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free Energy, and the Direction of Chemical Reactions Electrochemistry: Chemical Change and Electrical Work
- The Transition Elements and Their Coordination Compounds
- Nuclear Reactions and Their Applications